She is a free lance journalist residing in Rochester.

Possibilities and politics


We are in middle feasibility area for application of solar space and water heating. A solar house has been built at Eureka; U. of I. professor is studying solar energy to dry crops; Ottawa's silica sand is available for making solar cells to convert sun's rays directly into electricity. But research is needed to make costs competitive with other fuels

IN THE complicated realm of energy policymaking, solar energy is "out there waiting in the weeds," one state official says. Illinois is usually considered a coal-oriented state with weather unsuited to widespread use of the sun's energy. Yet solar power doesn't have the environmental black eyes that strip-mining and air pollution have given the state's high-sulfur coal. Nor, according to its proponents, is the use of solar energy inconsistent with Midwestern weather.

Sun Power

Illinois is in the middle feasibility area for application of solar space and water heating. Dr. Yahya B. Safdari, president of Sun Systems, Inc., and professor of mechanical engineering at Bradley University in Peoria, indicates that solar roof panels placed at a 45-degree angle in Illinois receive about "1,000 Btus (British thermal units) per hour per square foot average for those months when you think the sun isn't shining." One thousand Btus is approximately the amount of energy needed to light a 75-watt bulb for one hour. The sun provides about 1,400 Btus average daily radiation per hour over every square foot of the United States. Sun Systems, which completed Illinois' first solar house last spring, has also discovered that "when there is snow on the ground we get 30 per cent more radiation because of the reflection."

The potential economic impact of solar energy development is staggering. The United States consumed the equivalent of 40 million barrels of petroleum daily in 1975, and nearly 22 per cent of that amount was consumed for space heating and cooling. The Stanford Research Institute has predicted that solar space heating and cooling could develop into a $2 billion per year industry within the next 15 years.

Prof. Gene C. Shove of the Agriculture Engineering Department at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is investigating the application of solar energy to crop drying. In October and November, when crops are dried, Shove notes, "we're not too bad off.... we do not have the sunshine here in Illinois that we have in the Southwest . . . but we get a lot of sunshine and we think we can capture it and do some crop drying with it." To facilitate storage, virtually all of the corn and an increasing percentage of the soybean crop are dried after harvesting. Illinois raises nearly one billion bushels of corn and 300 million bushels of soybeans annually. These crops are now dried with heat produced by burning nonrenewable fossil fuels.

No magic in the technology
A report by the Arthur D. Little, Inc., consulting firm indicates that utility companies which generate electric power could save up to $750 million if they utilized solar space heating and cooling. And what of the consumer? Three New England electric utility companies are offering their customers the opportunity to have domestic water heated by solar energy. The initial cost would be $200 per installation during the experimental program, but Robert W. Jost, solar energy consultant for the Massachusetts, Narragansett, and Greenwich State Electric Companies, says their customers currently spend $150 to $300 annually for water heating.

Even fast food restaurants — long considered bastions of high-energy consumption — are investigating the use of solar power. The Burger King Corporation has announced plans to build a restaurant in New Jersey which would use a solar collector system and previously wasted heat from the broilers to provide heating and cooling.

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The amount of solar energy which falls on the continental United States is estimated to be 700 times our current energy consumption. The capture of some of this energy, either as directly usable heat or for conversion into electrical power, involves no technological breakthroughs. "There is no magic to developing solar energy technology," says Ross N. Rubin, assistant director of the Illinois Division of Energy. The practical means exist now to capture, use, and convert solar energy for space and water heating.

Why, then, hasn't solar energy been used more extensively? The obvious response is that conventional energy sources, fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas, have always been available at affordable prices. But Drs. John A. Duffie and William A. Beck- man, directors of the Solar Energy Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, cite the lack of public pressure to develop solar energy. They report in the January 16, 1976, issue of Science that "a large, concerned constituency . . . pushed for development of peaceful uses of atomic energy. The result was a program supported by billions of dollars of federal funds over the course of three decades. Solar energy, in contrast, had no such support . . .."

Assuming that federal funding improves, researchers will be looking for ways to reduce the costs of what Forbes Magazine calls "the sky-high price of the little electronic devices that convert the sun's energy directly into electricity." The little devices are solar cells, and it now costs about $400 to buy enough solar cells to provide enough electricity to operate a black-and-white portable television set on a sunny day in central Illinois.

A whole branch of research known as photovoltaics deals with the development of solar cells. Solar cells are made from pure silicon crystals grown in laboratories to exacting specifications and sliced, like sausages, into thin round layers. The slices are then treated so that an electrical current is generated when sunlight hits their surfaces. The electricity generated by the cells can be stored in batteries. To reduce the cost of solar cells, researchers are finding ways to reduce the cost of extracting and purifying the silicon, and are developing means to increase the amount of sunlight each cell can collect.

Illinois appears to be well suited to these endeavors. To produce silicon, silica sand is reacted with coke, a byproduct of coal gasification. "We have the coal here in Illinois, and we have the silica sand from Ottawa, Ill., and we have the world's largest silicon producer about 125 miles from the capital in St. Peters, Mo.," says Ronald W. Ignatius, president of the M7 International Corporation of Arlington Heights, which manufactures solar cells.

To make the solar cell more efficient, both the Argonne National Laboratory and the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory at Batavia are investigating the use of mirrors and curved surfaces to increase and concentrate the amount of sunlight beamed onto the cells. By increasing the amount of sunlight each cell receives to convert into electricity, it is possible to decrease the number of the costly cells needed.

Solar panels, storage tanks
But practical use of solar cells to generate electricity is still largely experimental. Most researchers and consumers are more concerned with reducing the costs of solar collecting panels. Solar panels are the hearts of the solar heating and cooling systems in use today. Basically, a panel is composed of a surface which can absorb energy from sunlight as heat. The panels can be made from materials ranging from foil to concrete, and their surfaces are usually painted black to minimize the amount of sunlight reflected.

Collector panels are used in both passive and active solar systems. A passive system employs the direct use of solar energy to heat space or water. The heating of water in drums on the roofs of buildings in tropical countries or the use of picture windows facing the sun are examples of simple passive systems. Such a system can be improved by the addition of storage capacity to provide heat on cloudy days and during the night. A slab of concrete or a steel drum filled with water and placed behind the sunny window becomes a rudimentary storage unit, maintaining heat long after nightfall. If the panel and its storage unit were located on the roof or out in the sunniest part of the yard, it would collect even more sunlight but the heat would have to be transported to the house. To solve this problem, pipes filled with air or liquid are used to replace the concrete slab or the drum, and when the liquid or air becomes hot, it is pumped into the house's heating system. With the addition of a mechanical pump, the passive system becomes an active system.

Active solar systems usually incorporate insulated storage tanks. If the system uses hot water, the water itself is stored in the tank and circulated to heat the house just as a conventional heating system would circulate hot water in radiators. If the pipes are filled with air, the storage tank is filled with a material which will hold heat. The most commonly used material is fist-sized rocks which have a very high heat storage capacity, although various chemical materials are also being used. When air is directed over the hot rocks or other material, the air is warmed and can be circulated through the house via a conventional forced air system.

Such systems can easily meet the needs of buildings located in mild temperate climate zones, but cannot now meet all the heating needs of buildings in areas like central Illinois which have long cold spells during the winter. In such areas, the most practical use of solar technology is achieved by using solar energy to pre-heat the air or water entering a conventional furnace. Such pre-heating means that the conventionally fueled furnace doesn't have to operate nearly as long to provide the heat needed during long cold spells. Solar systems are now capable of supplying from 50 to 75 per cent of the heat needed for an Illinois home. There are virtually no safety hazards involved in the installation, use, and maintenance of solar equipment, and there are, of course, no fuel costs. But the initial cost of installing an active solar heating system is still high compared to the cost of a conventional heating system.

The Sun Systems solar house, built in Eureka, has between $ 15 ,000 and $20,000 invested in solar equipment to provide heating, cooling, and hot water. Safdari explains that the cost is high partly because the system was custom designed. "We think it should be more like $10,000 to $15,000 when mass produced," he says.

With this kind of initial expense, how can solar power be considered feasible? It is generally agreed that once the market for solar equipment grows and mass production techniques can be employed, the cost will be substantially lowered. But even at the present high cost, the Illinois Division of Energy reports that solar heating systems return

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Solar energy advocates argue our dwindling supplies of fossil fuels will become too valuable to use for space and water heating

the initial investment within 12 years. Most authorities also concede that the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels will become too valuable and expensive to use for space and water heating. This fact is already becoming apparent to consumers who pay ever-larger fuel bills.

Cost of not using the sun
Although initial costs may be balanced by future savings, solar energy advocates maintain that the cost of not using solar power must also be considered. What of the destruction of agricultural land through strip-mining for coal and the health dangers of conventional underground mining? What of the international implications of relying on foreign oil and the environmental hazards of shipping oil via supertankers? Solar power "is expensive, but I think that one attitude that has to come into play in our society is the idea of life cycle costing and cost benefit analysis — not purely on economic factors but also on environmental factors," says Dr. Alexander J. Casella, assistant professor in the physical science program at Sangamon State University, Springfield.

Are there environmental drawbacks to the use of solar energy? Aesthetically, solar systems are not considered an eyesore, but neither are they considered an asset. When the panels are installed on roofs and the storage tanks are underground, the visual impact is minimal. If solar cells are employed to produce electricity for individual buildings, their placement would be no more complicated than that of solar panels. But the aesthetic considerations of the projected use of solar cells to provide electric power for entire communities are more serious. It is estimated that with presently designed solar cells, it would be possible to meet the nation's electricity needs projected for the year 2,000. The catch is that it would be necessary to cover about 40,000 square miles of land with solar equipment. Obviously the nation is not going to turn entirely to solar energy within the next 24 years, but the statistic points out that solar generating stations will face new problems not confronting conventional utilities. Solar facilities will not, however, be subject to the same health and safety questions addressed to nuclear development nor the air pollution problems now faced by power plants burning conventional fuels.

What are the environmental effects of extracting the silicon and coal used to manufacture solar cells? In the foreseeable future such manufacturing would use only "a fraction of a percent of the amount of silicon now mined," according to J. Ernest Dunwoody, manager of the Energy Conservation and Alternate Energy Section of the Illinois Division of Energy. The environmental effects of this additional mining would be relatively insignificant. By comparison, he adds, "seventy per cent of the nation's purest silicon is now being used in the manufacture of throwaway bottles." The use of coal to produce solar cells faces the same criticism as any other use of mined coal. But when coal is burned directly for heat, its energy potential is gone. When it is used to manufacture solar cells, its energy potential is used throughout the projected 20-year lifetime of the average solar cell.

The Division of Energy cites the lack of easily available equipment; the dearth of appropriate expertise in the architecture, engineering, and construction professions; and difficulties in securing financing for solar projects as the problems facing development of solar power. The most obvious solution to these problems is money — money for research and demonstration facilities; money to educate professionals and consumers; and money to finance the high initial costs of installing solar systems.

Federal support
The federal government has money available to develop solar energy. As established in the Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-409), the national policy is "to provide for the demonstration within a three-year period of the practical use of solar heating technology, and to provide for the development and demonstration within a five-year period of the practical use of combined heating and cooling technology." This act provides $5 million for fiscal year 1975 and up to $10 million in each of the following five years. Such funding is usually limited to the difference between the total cost of a project using solar power and the total cost of the same project using conventional systems. Money for support of research is made available by the Solar Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-473) which provides $2 million in fiscal 1975 and up to $75 million in fiscal 1976. The funds are ad ministered by federal agencies and departments including the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

To obtain federal support, states must enter the competition for funds by responding to announcements issued by the administering agencies. Entering the competition isn't exactly difficult, but interested parties must know which funds are available and must know how to respond in order to stand a chance of winning. "For successful commercialism of residential solar energy technologies, it is essential that there be a very good response [to these announcements].... It is up to each of us to put forward our maximum effort to demonstrate that the time for solar energy in Illinois has arrived," says Dunwoody. This effort paid off early this year when ERDA selected Illinois as the site for one of four major federally funded solar energy demonstrations. The Illinois project is a $320,000 solar heating system to be installed on one of the buildings of Chicago's Navy Pier which is being restored as a cultural and recreational facility.

The state's chances for federal funding look even brighter following release of two ERDA advisory reports concerning site selection for a proposed new Solar Energy Research Institute. The advisory reports, issued by the National Academy of Sciences and the Mitre Corporation, conclude that easy access to transportation and the kind of environment that would attract high-caliber personnel are more important than the specific climatic conditions of proposed sites. This means that states in the middle feasibility area are not

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necessarily at a disadvantage when competing with sunnier states for the proposed institute which would have a $48 million budget and would provide 1,500 jobs.

And what about state funds? What is Illinois doing to utilize solar energy? To understand development of solar power on the state level, it's necessary to understand state energy politics in general. Three years ago, when the effects of the petroleum shortages were being felt, each executive department handled its own energy situation.

The Federal Mandatory Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, however, required each state to establish a fuel allocation office as a means of apportioning certain petroleum fuels among the states. On May 27, 1974, Gov. Dan Walker signed Executive Order 74-7 creating what became known as the Office of the Illinois Energy Coordinator. The first coordinator, James W. Cook, resigned because of family health problems, and on August 12 of that year the governor announced the appointment of Denis A. Hayes, who had been the national organizer of Earth Day in 1970-71. Under Hayes' direction, the Office tackled more than its assigned function of fuel allocation. Programs addressing energy conservation, development of alternate energy sources, and public information were added. Following Hayes' resignation to accept leadership of the environmental and energy programs of the Worldwatch Institute, the coordinator's office was merged on April 1, 1975, with the Department of Business and Economic Development's (BED) Division of Energy Development to form the Illinois Division of Energy. Sun Power

This move consolidated the executive branch's energy programs into one office, but left that office open to charges of conflict of interests. Hayes' now defunct office had launched energy conservation efforts and pioneered the program to develop alternate energy sources notably solar power. BED'S division, on the other hand, had been created by the governor on December 19, 1974, to administer $70 million in state bonds designated by the Illinois Coal Development Bond Act (Public Act 78-1 122) for use in developing Illinois' coal reserves. Furthermore, the position vacated by Hayes, a known environmentalist, was in effect being filled by Sidney M. Marder who, as director of BED'S Division of Energy Development, was the man most involved in Gov. Walker's program to develop Illinois' coal resources.

The issue was further complicated because the same legislation that provided funds for coal development created a legislative energy commission and an advisory energy council. The state had thus lost one energy voice and gained two more. While the advisory council has existed primarily on paper, the Illinois Energy Resources Commission has become the legislative voice of energy. The commission is composed of 18 members selected from the general public and from the General Assembly by legislative leaders. Its chairman is Sen. John L. Knuppel (D., Virginia), who succeeded Rep. Adeline J. Geo-Karis (R., Zion). The relationship between the division and the commission is obviously influenced by the traditional loyalties and rivalries between executive and legislative branches, as well as by the enmities among the governor's Democrats, other Democrats, and Republicans.

Solar responsibility divided in state
Basically, there is not yet any legislation that specifically assigns responsibility for solar power to any state body. A House bill (H.B. 2885) introduced by Rep. Daniel M. Pierce (D., Highland Park) on April 12,1975 would have established a Division of Solar Energy within BED. The bill, which would have provided a 10-year property tax exemption for solar appliances and systems installed within 10 years of its passage, passed the House but failed in the Senate. It was opposed by Rep. Geo-Karis whose own bill (H.B. 1704) was opposed by BED'S Division of Energy. Geo-Karis' bill would have taken $10 million from the $70 million previously designated for coal development and made it available for alternate energy projects. The bill passed both the House and Senate but was vetoed by the governor on September 5, 1975. Although the governor stated "it is inappropriate to reduce the state's commitment to, and ability to participate in, coal development, "he affirmed his support of "the concept underlying this bill the establishment of a state program for alternate energy and conservation."

Solar politics in Illinois
The issue promises to become even more politically interesting following the November announcement by Rep. Geo-Karis that she plans to introduce legislation to vest authority for alternate energy development and funding with either the Capital Development Board or with the commission itself. The Division of Energy, of course, wants to retain the solar program established originally by Dunwoody under Hayes' auspices. In March of this year Gov. Walker proposed that an Illinois Energy Agency be created from the present Division of Energy. The proposed agency would not be part of BED and would have authority to coordinate all state energy programs, including those affecting development of solar energy.

Despite concerns that accompanied his appointment, Marder has continued support for the solar program. A draft program for solar development was issued March 19, 1975, and public hearings concerning the proposal were held April 29-30 last year in Springfield. Release of a final program is imminent, and Marder answers questions involving charges of conflict of interest by explaining, "It is only logical that emphasis should be given to developing ways to utilize our large bituminous coal resources in an environmentally sound manner. However, we also have a plentiful supply of sunlight and as part of our overall energy development program we are committed to furthering the development of all phases of solar energy." The division "has assisted persons overseeing more than 20 buildings throughout the state in submission of proposals for federal solar energy projects totaling more than $4 million," he says.

Whatever the outcome, the politics of solar power will obviously become more important as the industry and its economic and environmental possibilities become more widely recognized and accepted.

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