Selected State Reports

State documents
Intergovernmental Cooperation in Illinois, Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs and Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (March 1976), 288pp.

The first single source of information on this topic: includes constitutional and legislative background; practical advice; legal aspects; and (the bulk of the handbook) sketches, case studies, and inventories in six program areas.

• "Guidelines for Local Human Relations Commissions," Illinois Commission on Human Relations [1976], 12pp. Practical advice for local commission members; lists programs and services of the state commission. I

• "Proceedings of the Solar Energy Development Hearings," Division of Energy, Illinois Department of Business and Economic Development [November 1975], 142pp. plus appendices.

Transcript of public hearings held April 1975. Oral and written testimony from 48 witnesses, including representatives of government, industry, universities and civic groups.

• "Comprehensive Legislative Information and Research Services," final study report of the Illinois General Assembly Library Study Commission, prepared by Legis 50/The Center for Legislative Improvement (March 29, 1976), 45pp.

"No other state has approached the matter of information resources with the foresight exhibited by Illinois in its creation of the Library Study Commission." Proposes extending the life of the commission to study recommendations for expanded state and national information and research systems to serve state legislatures.

Other reports
• "Chicago since 1840: A Time-series Data Handbook," by Wesley G. Skogan (Urbana: Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, 1976), 109pp. Single copies available free of charge from the Institute, 1201 West Nevada, Urbana 61801.

Extensive collection of data on Chicago in nine broad areas — political, economic, and social — over 133 years. Discusses meaning and utility of each indicator; lists sources on more current data.

• "Illinois and the United States: Some Economic Parallels," by Robert N. Schoeplein in Illinois Government Research (Urbana: Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, March 1976), 5pp.

Examination of population base, labor force, gross products, manufacturing, and agriculture shows striking similarities between the state and national economies.

Items listed under State Documents have been received by the Documents Unit, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through interlibrary loan. Requests for copies should be sent to the issuing agency./ S.C .

8 / March 1977 / Illinois Issues

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