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I wanted to fill your emptiness
To give your feet someplace to walk
Instead of those doors you
stumble through
And come out of looking erased.
I wanted to stumble with you
if that's what it took

to let me share your losing.
Sometimes I wonder why your

footsteps faded
But I know the things longing can do.


There are many different kinds of

And one is bleeding
Unnecessarily from
the outside


Since I could not save the trees
From destruction: From factories.
Since good air was getting thin
I began to consider staying in.

As I could not turn back time:
O, Youth.' Nor abolish crime.
As treachery reared again and again
I felt the desire for staying in.

As I cannot master Death:
That sting! Nor restore a breath.
As all hope of things grow dim
I seriously practiced staying in.

Because I could not reach the stars
Nor planets: Jupiter or Mars.
Because your love I failed to win
I resigned myself to staying in.


Bless you
All of you sad and lonely and

Homeless I
Sympathize with you
With your tears of dust
Never seen
And your dreams

On other
People's bands.

Ms. Sharon Sheely of Danville, Illinois, contributed the poetic works presented here. Viewing leisure as one avenue for expression of self, she feels that being creative brings her both fulfillment and pleasure. Her willingness to share her awareness and insight on feelings that many of us have but cannot so ably express, is most appreciated.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 24 March/April, 1980

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