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Cover: Mary Cunneen Mette, Superintendent of Recreation for the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association, works on motor development with a young TMH (Trainable Mentally Handicapped) child in the Association's Zero-to-Three Recreation Program. The program is designed to provide infant stimulation by working on imitation, eye-hand coordination, muscle development, body parts, and interaction in a play situation. On page 12 of this issue, Mette joins two colleagues in writing an article on special recreation associations.


About Mustaches and Peach Fuzz ............................. 4


Purchasing Equipment in the Cost-Conscious '80's ................................................ 8

Special Recreation Associations: Past, Present & Future....................................... 12

Awards and Prizes for Competitive Athletic Programs ......................................... 18

A Needs Assessment Study for the Park and Recreation Progession..................... 20


Editor's Page..............................................................6

Legislative Scene......................................................10

Association Highlights........................................15&25

Guest Editorial....................................................16-17

Student Perspective..................................................22

Creative Corner.......................................................24

People, Places 'N Things..........................................27

Associate Members.................................................30



David Markworth, Des Plaines Park District, Co-Chairman
Robert W. Nichols, Commissioner, Bensenville, Co-Chairman
Jeff Boubelik, Dolton Park District
Ralph Cianchetti, Commissioner, Highland Park
Robert Dunsmuir, Wheaton Park District
Earle Hodgen, Park District of Highland Park
Patricia H. Leonard, Commissioner, Champaign
Paul Swanson, Elk Grove Park District

Editorial Office: 600 E. Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 March/April, 1980

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