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NRPA's Golf Outing Benefits Youth
NRPA's Golf Outing Benefits Youth


Over the last three to five years, golf has reached a new level of popularity in urban and inner-city areas. This is due in large part to Tiger Woods and his consistent success both as an amateur and as a professional. Through this phenomenon urban and inner city youth have become more intrigued by this sport. There are also some youth in urban and inner-city settings who want to participate and won't due to economic issues, transportation and other reasons.

But I ask, should a child be denied an opportunity to participate due to the above stated reasons? I don't believe so. We as professionals have to continue to push the envelope.

We believe that the "NRPA Golf Classic" will do just that. With the first scheduled NRPA Golf Classic to be held on July 11, 2000, at Enterprise Golf Course in Mitchellville, Md., the National Recreation and Park Association will debut its golf tournament to benefit Junior Golf. Proceeds from the tournament will fund clinics, pay equipment fees; transportation costs and provide instruction to junior golfers.

NRPA's intent is to replicate and duplicate this endeavor across the country. We need to continue to develop opportunities for youth and reach into the urban and inner city and get youth to participate. Today youth are faced with multiple issues such as drugs, alcohol, gangs, conflict and school dropout to name a few. However, with motivation, stimulation, encouragement and incentives they will be able to overcome any obstacle.

Youth all want to be a part of positive endeavors and to succeed. It is our role as professionals in the field of parks and recreation to provide youth with many exposures, which will in turn lead to greater options for positive opportunity.

All youth want to feel needed and want to believe in someone or something. Every youth deserves the chance to succeed regardless of race, sex, religion or economic status. Sometimes we have to reach farther and work harder to gain the trust of youth. After we gain their trust we need to get and keep them involved in positive endeavors. The "NRPA Golf Classic" will assist park and recreation agencies in enhancing positive and productive behaviors in youth.

NRPA needs your assistance and support to make this a success. This is the one shot we have that can make a difference in the future of our children. Let's get a hole in one! 

is the Special Assistant for Youth Services for the National Recreation and Park Association. For more information about the NRPA Golf Classic, contact Webster at 703.858.2199 or jwebster@nrpa.org. The golf classic is part of the "NRPA 2000 Urban Youth Initiative," which is committed to promoting positive opportunities to youth in urban and inner-city areas.

Our Youth
Give them the Exposure to help them Believe.
Give them the Opportunity to help them Achieve.

Illinois Parks and Recreation * March/April 2000 * 29

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