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IAPD/IPRA Annual Conference January 11-14, 2001 Peoria Civic Center

Conference Facts:

Jan. 11-14, 2001 Pre-conference institutes and
tours on Wednesday, Jan. 10

Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, III.


Housing Form due to the
Housing Bureau for the Lottery

Dec. 8
Registration forms due to IAPD
for "Early Bird" discount

Dec. 10
Cutoff date for conference
hotel rates

Dec. 22
Requests for meals, special
accommodations due to IPRA.
Registration cutoff for workshops, tours and conference

Note: Registrations will be taken at
the door but we cannot guarantee
availability of events or tickets for
the general session.

$200 "Early Bird" full package
$270 after Dec. 8

* Other packages available for
guests and for single days

View of the night skyline

The 2001 conference has been designed to create more value than ever before. Choose from more than 100 cutting-edge seminars with 45 "global" sessions for board members and professionals.

New this year are off-site tours on the Wednesday before the conference. You can choose to learn how to "Rev Up" Your Revenues at the Peoria Park District RiverPlex Recreation and Wellness Center or about "Cooperative Culture that Work"—how six agencies in Peoria have developed eight separate facilities within Peoria's 39-acre Lakeview Park. Thursday's 10 pre-conference workshops offer delegates in-depth learning opportunities through many subjects including personal growth, the benefits of therapeutic recreation and the changing face of youth sports with Mike Pfahl of the National Alliance for Youth Sports.

On Friday, Attorney General Jim Ryan and other Illinois government leaders convene a special early morning Legislative Hearing on Youth at Risk. The Friday awards video extravaganza will take place in the beautiful Civic Center Theatre followed by humorist and motivational speaker Joan Murphy, R.N., Ph.D.
Attorney General Jim Ryan

Are we social in parks and recreation? YES! Your social calendar at this year's conference includes "Polyester in Par-A-Dice," with Jim Jenson and Record-A-Hit Entertainment spinning the tunes from the '70s and '80s, make-your-own music videos, and tickets to "the boat." On Friday night, the popular IPRA Affiliate socials become one big party "Where Everyone Comes Together" inside Peoria's fantastic

48 / Illinois Parks and Recreation

Sights from the Convention
Convention Center Theater Lobby. On Saturday night, Groove to Aretha, Stevie, Diana and Marvin with the Fabulous Motown Review, a nationally renown 16-member act with brass and vocals that will have everyone dancing in the streets.

Visit one of the most comprehensive trade shows in the park and recreation industry with more than 270 commercial manufacturers, distributors, designers and educational booths in the Peoria Civic Center. More than $9,000 in prizes will be given away at various times in the exhibit hall. And, new this year and brought to you by the Peoria Park District, you'll find an interactive park and recreation area in the exhibit hall where delegates can shoot hoops for great prizes.

General Colin Powell
General Colin Powell (retired, U.S. Army), one of the most popular public figures in America today, is our closing speaker for the 2001 IAPD/IPRA Annual Conference. General Powell is chairman of America's Promise Alliance for Youth and author of the best-selling autobiography My American Journey, which traces his life from birth to immigrant Jamaican parents in Harlem to his role in advising this country's three most recent chief executives: Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton. General Powell was a professional soldier for 35 years. His last assignment, from Oct. 1, 1989, to Sept. 30, 1993, was as the twelfth chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest military position in the Department of Defense. General Powell will lead us through a journey that begins with his childhood in the South Bronx, continues through his military career and his philanthropic endeavors. He shares personal anecdotes about world events and leaders with whom he has been involved and offers his views on leadership.

And know this, the Peoria Park District is our host agency for the 2001 conference, and the board, staff, volunteers and their many partners throughout the city are rolling out the red carpet just for you!

September/October 2000 ¦ 49

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