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Tips for Your Game from
a PGA Professional
Golf Clubs
Steve Patterson
Steve Patterson
Winnetka Golf Club
PGA Head Professional
PGA Head Professional Steve Patterson of the Winnetka Golf Club, Winnetka Park District, has agreed to give some free golf advice in Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine every issue during the Illinois golf season, starting with this, the March/April issue through the early fall September/October issue. His first tip is for your putting game.

"If you have watched a PGA or LPGA Tour event lately, you may have noticed some players employing the cross-handed putting style. I changed to this type of stroke a few years ago with good results, and the control of the left wrist is why. It's as simple as keeping the angle of your left wrist constant from the address position to the completion of the follow-through.

"The same principle remains true for conventional putting as well. Two important aspects of your putting stroke should be:

1. The back of the left hand faces the target throughout the stroke.

2. Don't allow your left wrist to "cup" or break on the follow-through.

"In an effective putting stroke the left hand shall remain in the same position relative to the target from start to finish. Also, if the left wrist doesn't cup after impact, the stroke will not pull the ball to the left of the hole—the most common error in putting. This all translates into the putting stroke being more of an arm and shoulder swing than a 'wristy' action." (Note left wrist in picture.) •

Illustrating golf strokes

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