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March Datebook

2. Walk the Labyrinth, Experience the Art, Support the Project at Verde Gallery in Champaign. The labyrinth is a single winding path that leads to the center and then out again. The Urbana Park District will integrate the labyrinth into their "Hearts and Parks" programs and other outdoor programs.

6, Bald Eagle Bus Tours in Galena. During this four-hour tour of four bald eagle wintering communities you'll learn about the eagle's habits, its life history, preservation efforts and threats to the eagle's future. Seating is limited. (815) 594-2306 or

6, Mardi Gras Masked Ball at Turner Hall in Galena. 7 p.m.-12 a.m. Hors d'oeuvres and buffet dinner. Dancing to the music of the band. "We're Late and Smell Like Beer." Mask contest: King and Queen selection. Costumes optional. masks required. $40 per person. (815) 777-1594 or (815) 777-3151.

6-7, Heartland Food Festival at Eckert's Farm in Belleville. A unique festival featuring healthy and hearty foods from the Midwest. Recipes, samples. demonstrations and expert seminars. Free. (618) 233-0513.

17, St. Patrick's Day Celebration at The Irish Cottage and Frank O'Dowd's Pub in Galena, Traditional Irish music, dancing, food and entertainment. (866) 284-7474 or

18-21, "The Wizard of OZ" at the Egyptian Theatre in Dekalb. Come follow the yellow brick road and see all the munchkins in this family favorite production. (815) 758-1940 or

19-21, Wine Lovers' Weekend at Eagle Ridge Inn and Resort near Galena. A weekend dedicated to wine lovers. Friday: Hor d'oeuvres and a casual tasting with more than 50 wines. Saturday: Luncheon, vineyard tour, dinner and tasting. Sunday: Champagne brunch. (815) 777-5050 or

19-28, "The Promise" in Litchfield. A contemporary Christian musical on the life of Jesus, faithful to the Bible, performed by a cast and chorus of more than 90 people from various churches, from preschool to grandparents. (217) 324-5253 or

21, The 22nd Annual Farm Toy and Antique Tractor Show in Sublette. Six buildings with more than 300 tables of farm toys and an antique tractor show with 200 tractors lining the streets. In conjunction with the Minneapolis Moline Collectors Club convention featuring Minneapolis Moline farm equipment. Quilt display, crafts and food. (815) 849-5929.

26-27, Salt Creek Patchmaker's 9th Annual Quilt Show at the Assembly of God Church in Clinton. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $3. Browse through various vendors, get your scissors sharpened and have a chance to win door prizes. (217) 935-5885.

26-27, Decatur Quilt Fest at the Decatur Civic Center in Decatur. An exhibition of 200-plus quilts, a raffle quilt, free demonstrations, a silent auction, vendors, door prizes, notecards and cookbooks for sale. (217) 877-0059.

27, Cabin Fever Jubilee in Elizabeth. Escape from your home, stretch your legs and get some fresh air as the settlers of the Apple River Fort embrace Spring and demonstrate maple sugaring, spring planting, soup making and more. (815) 858-2028 or

31-4/22, Crazy Thing Called Love in Mount Morris. April Love, Anything But Love. Our Love is Here to Stay - you'lI LOVE it all. Join White Pines Alums Jerry, Alison, Rick, Karen and Ann as they sing, dance, act and react their way through golden oldie love songs and Broadway favorites. Laugh along. (815) 946-3817 or

Illinois Country Living publishes event listings as space allows, giving preference to events of regional or statewide interest. Event listings are provided by the event sponsors and the Illinois Bureau of Tourism. The magazine assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information submitted for publication and advises calling ahead to confirm dates and times. To be considered for inclusion, send listings and photographs (If sending photographs please include self-addressed stamped envelope) to Illinois Datebook. Iliinois Country Living, PO Box 3787- Springfield, IL 62708-3787. The deadline for submission is 45 days prior to the publication date.


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