Is there a doctor in the house?...... 10
Situated in a convincing Norman Rockwell pose, Dr. George T. Mitchell of Marshall looks every bit the part of an old-fashioned rural physician. Read about rural healthcare issues in this month's feature story.
Published by
Association of
Illinois Electric Cooperatives
John Lowrey........................................................Editor
Nancy R. Nixon, Catrina McCulley,
& Michelle McNeal......................Associate Editors
Sandy Wolske
...................Advertising Coordinator
Erin Weller, Kara Henning
& Kathy Feraris.....................
Graphic Designers
Derek Squires......
Graphic Technician/Designer
Connie Newenham.....
Circulation Coordinator
Illinois Country Living is a monthly publication serving the communications needs of 21 locally owned, not-for-profit Illinois electric cooperatives. More than 160,000 families receive the magazine as part of their electric cooperative membership. Monthly columns and stories provide information about topics and issues that affect the quality of their lives.
Illinois Country Living (ISSN number 1086-8062) is published monthly and is the official publication of the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, 6460 South Sixth Frontage Road, Springfield, IL 62707. The cost is $2.40 plus postage per year for members of subscribing cooperatives and $5 per year for all others. Periodical postage paid at Springfield, Illinois, and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Illinois Country Living, P.O. Box 3787, Springfield, Illinois 62708.
CO-OP MEMBERS: When requesting an address change, please include the name of your cooperative. Telephone: (217) 529-5561
Advertising and editorial inquiries should be directed to Illinois Country Living, P.O. Box 3787. Springfield, Illinois 62708. National advertising representative; The Weiss Group, 14826 North 54th Place. Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (602) 482-8844. Acceptance of advertising by ICL does not imply endorsement by the publisher or the electric co-operatives of Illinois of the product or service advertised. Advertisers are screened by the publisher and every effort is made to protect the subscriber, but ICL is not responsible for the performance of the product or service advertised.
EDITORS: Articles appearing in Illinois Country Living may be reprinted upon consent of the editor. For permission phone (217) 529-5561 or write to John Lowrey, editor, Illinois Country Living, P.O. Box 3787, Springfield, IL 62708.
March 2004 ...... Volume 61 ....... Number 11
ILLINOIS COMMENTARY............................ 4
Jack Kelly, Executive Director of the Illinois Harness Horsemen's Association, writes about saving the jobs and tradition of Illinois horse racing.
ILLINOIS CURRENTS.................................... 6
Read about geothermal energy grants that are now available to non-profit organizations.
SAFETY AND HEALTH...................................14
Mary Zitek, Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives Safety/Education Services Coordinator, says controlling stress prevents accidents and illness.
YOUR YARD AND GARDEN ........................16
Planting for diversity from A to Z.
Learn how to caulk your way to a tighter home.
ILLINOIS' FINEST COOKING........................22
If you can't resist the taste of raw cookie dough, then you'll love Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball from the recipe collection of the Gottlieb Rathert Family Cookbook. And for a quick and simple treat the kids will love, try Peanut Butter Cup Cookies from the recipe collection of the Women's Guild of Urbana.
ILLINOIS MARKETPLACE.............................25
ILLINOIS DATEBOOK......................................30
Love to sample free food? Then you won't want to miss the Heartland Food Festival this month at Eckhart's Farm in Belleville.