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P r e s i d e n t' s   m e s sa g e


Dear Members & Friends of the Illinois State Historical Society:

I suspect you are reading this issue of Illinois Heritage because you have an interest in the history of Illinois. And, Illinois history is what our Society is about.

I have two requests of you. Here's the first! If you are not a member of our Society, become one. The application form is inside the back cover of this magazine. If you are already a member, find a friend who should be. You might also consider a gift membership for someone.

Now, to my second request—

Our Society continues its efforts—now in our 107th year—to promote, preserve, and protect the history of Illinois. We manage our resources carefully; but we find we have more opportunities to serve our members and the public than we can effectively support. I might also add that the State of Illinois does not provide funds or other support to our Society.

Please consider a contribution to our Society. We are a not-for-profit educational organization (IRS 501 c3); and your contribution is fully tax deductible.You may wish to support specific activities that have special meaning to you and your family. Our Centennial Awards and Symposium have opportunities for sponsorship of activities within them. Purchase of an advertisement or "business card" in our Illinois Heritage magazine is a form of support that can have mutual benefit. A higher level of support might be the sponsorship of the printing of an issue of Heritage. Our Historic Markers Program also offers a wide range of opportunities.

If you'd like to explore gift or sponsorship opportunities please call Bill Furry, ISHS Executive Director, at our Springfield office (217-525-2781).

Your support is always welcome.

Marvin W. Ehlers

Visit the Illinois State Historical Society on the Internet at


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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library