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Alexander Hesler's companion portraits of presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln, taken in Springfield on June 3, 1860, are stunning photographs. Exposed on 8" x 10" light-sensitive glass plates, the images are among the most eloquent and revealing of Illinois' greatest statesman before he left Springfield for Washington.

The Illinois State Historical Society acquired the glass plate positives (the original negatives are in the Smithsonian, damaged beyond repair) and has commissioned archive-quality prints of the Hesler portraits. In anticipation of the Lincoln Bicentennial in 2009, The Society now offers a limited edition (500) of the 16" x 20" Hesler Lincoln Portraits (show above), doubled matted and beautifully framed (choice of natural wood or gilt) with non-glare glass and adorned with a simple brass plate: A. Lincoln, June 3, i860. The photographs are sold only in pairs for $1,000, plus shipping and applicable sales tax for non-members. Matted Hesler prints and walnut framed prints are also available at lesser prices. For more information about the Limited Edition Heslers, call 217-525-2781 today.

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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library