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Volume 32, Number 5 • September/October 2001

Special Focus

Bringing in the "New Senior" 15
Strategies for programming to active older adults
by Carrie Haupert, CPRP, and Linda Dolan, CPRP

Are Senior Clubs Dying Out? 19
Why some senior centers thrive
by Amy Larson

Senior Center as a Lifeline 21
Personal stories from the Northbrook Park District Senior Center
by Marcia Lidskin

Programming Better Youth Sports Leagues 23
Common-sense guidelines for youth sports
by Brian E. Kroening, CPRP

Combatting Violence in Youth Sports 27
National guidelines for youth sports to be released this fall
by Greg Bach

Empower, Train and Get Out of the Way 29
Teen program are a hit in Libertyville
by Stephanie Hess


Why Some Park Districts and Municipalities Don't Get Along 32

The NIMBY factor and its effect in DeKalb and Wheaton
by David N. Emanuelson

How Fit Is Your Fitness Center? 34
A survey reveals common traits of fitness centers
by Daniel R. Atilano, AIA


It's youth soccer season at the Champaign Park District and throughout Illinois. Tony Oligney-Estill , youth sports program coordinator for the Champaign Park District, says 630 kids ages 6 to 14 will participate in youth soccer through the park district this fall. "It is the biggest youth sports program we have, and it's growing," says Oligney-Estill, "because it's cheap, it doesn't require a lot of equipment, and a lot of parents like to tire their kids out." Photograph by Clark Brooks. © 2001, Cover design by Chris Camp of Duo Design.


From the Editor 4

Are You on Board? 6
Boordmanship bits and pieces

Eye on the Profession 8
Employee retention, plus "The Last Word"

Partnerships 10
Caring for kids, before and after school

Statehouse Insider 12
Bike path grants and CARA news

Mixed Media 37
Events that get attention and attendance

Our Natural Resources 39
The Geological Survey, plus DNR newsbriefs

People and Places 45

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