Illinois Issues

VOL. II, No. 8/ AUGUST 1976

Table of Contents


3/Court watching project: Is justice being done in counties of Cook, Champaign, Warren & DuPage?
/Dennis B. Fradin
5/Criminal justice reform in Cook County courts: Is more always better?
/ Peter F. Nardulli
8/Madison County's Eulalia Hotz
/ Judy Taplin
10/Politics in Peoria County: What's playing there now?
/ Carolyn Boiarsky
13/The billboards are coming down along Illinois' primary highways
/ 0. T. Banton
14 / Health education programs
/ Gary Adkins
17/The doctors' dilemma, or the foreign factor in medical training
/ Richard W. Sames
20/Senate Update: Incumbents outnumbered on ballot
/Special Staff Report
20/ Fiscal views from the candidates


30/Chicago: To build another building or to preserve the landmarks of the past?
/Charles B. Cleveland
31/Washington: The 1980 census: New counting procedures needed, especially for inner city areas
/Tom Littlewood


24/Session ending upsets predictions

21/November lineup for Senate
25/ Legislative Action
25/Bill Summaries
26/Roll Calls
27/Executive Report
28/Judicial Rulings

28/ Letters
32/ Calendar: Illinois State Fair

ART CREDITS/The cover illustration on the State Fair was done by Diane Cape of Rochester. Virden artist Ed Dyson did the portrait on page 9 and Springfield graphics designer James Krone Jr. drew the map on page 11. The drawing on page 15 was done by Tim Conrad and the art on page 18 by Robert W. Miller, both of Springfield.

2/ August 1976 / Illinois Issues

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