Illinois Issues
Est. 1975 MARCH 1982 VOL. VIII, NO. 3
ILLINOIS ISSUES is published by Sangamon State University. The magazine's board is appointed by the presidents of Sangamon State University and the University of Illinois. In addition to subscription income the magazine is supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation, support from the University of Illinois and Sangamon State University, and donations. The contents of the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of either university, the Ford Foundation or other donors.
Publisher: J. Michael Lennon
Editor: Caroline Gherardini
Circulation director: John E. Cockrell
Editor emeritus: William L. Day
Associate editors: Margaret S. Knoepfle,
Richard J. Shereikis
Fulfillment manager: Elizabeth A. Curl
Legislative correspondent: Diane Ross
Contributing editors: Tom Littlewood,
Bill Miller, Robert Kieckhefer,
Mark Gruenberg, Milton Rakove,
Ed McManus, Anna J. Merritt,
Larry Smith, Beverly Fleming
Artist: Ed Dyson
Business staff: Bonnie S. Roberts
Student staff: Cheryl A. Tinsley, Claudia
L. Woolridge, Cynthia L. Konold
Pat Karlak
The Board
Chairman: Samuel K. Gove, director, Institute
of Government and Public Affairs, University
of Illinois, Urbana
Vice Chairman: Thomas F. Roeser, vice
president-government relations, The
Quaker Oats Company, Chicago
John N. Collins, director, Center for
Policy Studies and Program Evaluation,
Sangamon State University, Springfield
William L. Day, editor emeritus, Springfield
Doris B. Holleb, director, Metropolitan
Institute, University of Chicago
David Kenney, director, Illinois Department
of Conservation, Springfield
James R. Kackley, partner, Arthur Andersen &
Co., Chicago
Louis H. Masotti, director, Center for Urban
Affairs, Northwestern University,
Odas Nicholson, lawyer, Chicago
James D. Nowlan, Institute of Government and
Public Affairs, University of Illinois, Urbana
James T. Otis, lawyer, Chicago
Theodore Peterson, professor of journalism,
University of Illinois, Urbana
Betsy Plank, assistant vice president, Illinois
Bell Telephone Co., Chicago
Gerald H. Pugh, vice president and director of
government relations, Combined Insurance
Company of America, Chicago
Honorable Samuel H. Shapiro, lawyer,
Carl Shier, international representative, Region
4, United Auto Workers
Honorable William G. Stratton, vice president,
Canteen Corporation, Chicago
James M. Wall, editor, Christian Century,
Samuel W. Witwer, lawyer, Chicago
James C. Worthy, professor of management.
Northwestern University
J. Michael Lennon, ex officio member
6The new federalism in Illinois
By Thomas J. Anton
Thompson and Stevenson write their tickets
By Al Manning
23 Lower education: matching expectations to reality
By Diane Ross
27Peddling possibilities:
the bike option
By James Krohe Jr.
What Thompson didn't say
4 Poltics By Robert Kieckhefer
Will it be Ryan, Totten or Catania?
Appropriations: no highs and new lows
37 CHICAGO By Milton Rakove
'Elevate them guns a little lower!'
38 WASHINGTONBy Robert Mackay
And the winner is ---
39 THE ROSTRUM By Robert B. Ralls
Public/ private partnership: Rhetoric or reality?
By Cheryl Frank
Judge stays ban on double-celing/Employment and training councils/State and Chrysler close loan/Food Stamp Program gets 'reward'
STATE SIX_______ 33
By Cheryl Frank
Court upholds death penalty/Admission of polygraph evidence 'plan error'/Court says no to commerical lumbering in state parks
Fryzel heads Department of Financial Institutions/Castle resigns from DCCA
ILLINOIS ISSUES (USPS 060-130) is published monthly (12 times per year). Editorial offices: 226 Capital Campus, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois 62708 (telephone: 217/782-0294). Please address questions regarding your subscription to ILLINOIS ISSUES, Subscription Division, P. O. Box 251, Mount Morris, Illinois 61054 (telephone: 815-734-4151).
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ILLINOIS ISSUES, Subscription Division, P. O. Box 251, Mount Morris, Illinois 61054. Subscription rate: $18 year/$30 two years/$42 three years; student rate is $9 a year. Individual copy is $1.75. Second class postage paid at Springfield, Illinois. 51980 by ILLINOIS ISSUES, 226 CC, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois 62708. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce any part of the magazine.