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Volume 28, Number 6 • November/December 1997

Winter Gardens 13
The Chicago Botanic Garden offers breathtaking winter views
by Tamara B. Marks
Con Female Middle Managers Break the Glass Ceiling? 15
A revealing study of how women managers view their career paths
by Dr. Kimberly J. Shinew and Dr. Margaret L. Arnold
1998 Legal Calendar 32a
1997 Magazine Index 59

Special Focus
Envisioning Your Future 18
Leaders must have a vision for their organizations
by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
Everything Old Is New Again 23
Leaders in the field candidly share their views of the future
by Daniel Gibble, CLP
The Making of a Teen Center 29
Future teen centers will be planned, built and financed by teens
by Gayle M. Dixon. Robert C. Robicsek, AIA, NCARB, and Kellie A. Farrar
The Woods of the Future: A Project Log 33
Pages from the diary of a natural areas management specialist
Management by Teams 37
Organizational charts of the future will show less hierarchy
by Joe Schultz
Factor in the Age Wave 41
The exodus and influence of the aging baby boom generation
by Dr. Terry G. Schwartz, CLP

Magazine Cover

Happy holidays from Illinois Parks & Recreation and the Chicago Botanic Garden! More than 3,500 poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima), cultivated in the Garden's greenhouses since early September, are now on spectacular display. Featured here are "Freedom" poinsettias, a popular holiday variety with perky red leaves or "bracts." The actual flower is the small yellow center, says Garden horticulturist Wanda Supanich. Joel Robert Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, introduced the plant to America after discovering them on a visit to Mexico's native areas (where the plants grow very tall, from 15 to 20 feet). See related story on page 13.

From the Editor 4
Across the Board 6
Involved citizens make all the difference
Partnerships 8
Park district director turns Geneseo movie house mogul
Statehouse Insider 10
General Assembly fails to override Edgar's veto
Trend Watch 44
You'll know it's the Year 2000 when...
Mixed Media 46
Special event promotions and 1998 event calendar
Our Natural Resources 49
Deer traffic and DNR Newsbriefs
People and Places 55

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