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Contents                         February 1994
Illinois Issues
Vol. XX No. 2 Established 1974

End welfare as we know it
'End welfare as
we know it'

Donald Sevener

Cook County presidency plum

Cook County
presidency plum

David Fremon

Midwifery in modern age

Midwifery in
modern age

Jennifer Halperin


The ever expanding tollways

The ever
tollways, mainly
in the

Robert Heuer



Edgar delivers his infomercial
selling himself for a second term
   Charles N. Wheeler III    6

The state of the State
Edgar ran through the politician's
boilerplate of talking points
   Jennifer Halperin    8

Guest Column
Children with disabilities deserve
regular rather than special treatment
   Ed McManus 10

The fiscal truth and a modest
proposal for citizen
   Paul M. Green 42


Conversation with our readers
   Ed Wojcicki 3

Letters 9

Legislative Action
Lesson in education funding
   Jennifer Halperin 32

Judicial Rulings
   F. Mark Siebert 33

   James Pollock and
   Beverley Scobell 34

Book Reviews
Understanding Lincoln
and the Civil War

   David Zarefsky 36

Election Names
Congressional candidates
on ballot in March primary

   Beverley Scobell 40

State Stix
Caring about health care
   Donald Sevener 41

Esprit de Pol see back cover

Cover illustration: "I always thought public aid was supposed to help you," says Carolyn Lee, pictured on the cover with daughters Stephanie (left) and Gina, at their home in a Springfield housing project. But she hasn't seen much help from welfare. Her monthly grant is too small to cover all her bills, she has been unable to get supplemental benefits for a son who has a sight disability, her benefits were cut when she went to work and all but $50 of child support paid by her ex-husband is kept by Public Aid. Her story is a typical one told by welfare recipients throughout the state. Their stories about how welfare doesn't work is reported by Donald Sevener, beginning on page 12. The photograph was taken by Judy Lutz-Spencer, a free-lance photographer in Springfield.

Month 1994/Illinois Issues/5

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