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Illinois Issues
A publication of the University of Illinois at Springfield
May 1997 Volume XXIII, No.5
16 Welfare to work by Jennifer Davis
When more than 100, 000 welfare recipients are told to find work this summer, most will find that there is 'No help wanted.'

20 GRRRRRRRRRRRRR by Donald Sevener
Mike Lawrence, government watchdog, takes shis growl and moves on.

28 Wanna bet? by James Krohe Jr.
The state couldn't stop gambling if it tried. Instead, it should make sure it gets its share of the take.

30 Politics and pensions by Doug Finke
How state officials calculate the costs of retirement benefits for public employees.

32 Violence court by Charles Bosworth Jr.
The state turns to special courts to combat domestic violence.

33 Divorce reform by Christine Many
Lawmakers aim to level the field for those going through divorce.

3 A Conversation With Our Readers
by Ed Wojcicki

4 Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long

6 State of the Stateby Jennifer Davis
The race to welfare reform

8 Briefly
by Donald Sevener

36 People
by Jennifer Davis

40 Letters

41 A View From Chicago by James Ylisela Jr.
'If ain't over till it's over'

42 Politics
by Charles N. Wheeler III Top-of-the-ticket woes

(Credits: Our cover was illustrated by designer Daisy Juarez)

Illinois Issues May 1997 ¦ 5

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