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Illinois Issues
A publication of the University of Illinois at Springfield
December 1999 Volume XXV, No. 12

Contents Pictures
Chicago's got the blues, page 20 The BEST of Illinois, page 12 Q&A with Lois Weisberg, page 34
12 The BEST of Illinois
We've chosen to celebrate the regional threads in the state's cultural tapestry.
14 The kindness of strangers' by Beverley Scobell
University galleries rely on gifts of art.
16 The sleeping giant stirs by Lee Bey
Walking in the shadows of great architecture.
20 Sweet home Chicago by John Carpenter
The city's got fill-up-the-shot-glass blues.
23 Heritage sells by Burney Simpson
Communities realize the marketing possibilities
26 Southern legend and lore by Paul Turner
Illinois' southernmost counties have a story telling tradition all their own.
30 Spotlight: Quincy by Jennifer Davis
34 Q&A: Lois Weisberg by Burney Simpson
3 Conversation with the Publisher
by Ed Wojcicki
4 Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long
6 State of the State
by Burney Simpson
Can art boost the local economy?
8 Briefly
by Rodd Whelpley
37 People
by Rodd Whelpley
40 Letters
41 A View from Metro East
by Patrick E. Gauen
What to offer bored voters
42 Politics
by Charles N. Wheeler III
Why change support collection?

Illinois Issues December 1999 / 5

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