History and Literature in Illinois:
An Introduction .............. 1
John E. Hallwas, Guest Editor
The Chicago Renaissance In Poetry.....2-14
Dan Guillory
Curriculum Materials
Elizabeth H. Miller
The Chicago Novel, 1890-1915 ... 15 - 22
Robert Bray
Curriculum Materials
Kathryn Pavlou
Pluck and Luck: Edna Ferber's Chicago
Babette Inglehart
Curriculum Materials
William Paarlberg and Janet Paarlberg
"Promised Land?" The Black Chicago Renaissance and After........32-39
James Hurt
Curriculum Materials
Edna Capehart
Creative Non-Fiction: Three
Narratives of the Prohibition Era.......40-46
James Ballowe
Curriculum Materials
GeorgeAnn Kislia Siwicke
Bibliography ..............47-48
Contributors' Biographies
............. Inside Back Cover