show that we have improved student achievement, that we have addressed some other serious problems in our schools, that the formula should probably be continued. Frankly, if there haven't been results, it may be time to look at something different.

Q. How would you respond to critics who complain that you came from one of those wealthier areas of the state? How can you look out for the needs of the state as a whole?

I was fortunate to be a superintendent in an area with high property wealth. We did have the tax cap up where I was for six or seven years. I have had some experience dealing with the tax cap.

And also, I am the kind of person who is just as comfortable in the inner-city as in rural areas. And I grew up in a suburb. I spent a lot of time working with and visiting areas all around the state. And, just for vacation, I take my boys on a bike ride across rural Iowa. I know it's not Illinois, but I like rural areas. I like small towns. I think I have a good understanding of their problems.

The other response I would say is I do believe your actions speak louder than words. Three years ago, when we wanted to rewrite the special education funding formula for the state, I worked with a group of educators from Lake County and a group of educators from Williamson County I convened that group. So we took some folks from counties with the highest per pupil expenditure and educators from the county with among the lowest per pupil expenditures and we developed a bill which met both of our needs.

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