
14---New kid on the block
The state comptroller may be a government novice.
But he has the look of a political thoroughbred.
And the political bloodlines to prove it.
by Mark Brown

21---Squaring accounts
Arguing against the death penalty on grounds
it's ineffectual or uneconomic assumes that's its pupose.
by James krohe Jr.

24---Playing to win
The Chicago exchanges helped transform that city
into a Midwestern capital of finance. Now they could
offer early lessons on competing in the global economy.
by Burney Simpson

Glenn W. "Max" McGee
The state's new education chief outlines his agenda.
by Maureen F. McKinney

Ecological intuition
Are we really safe here? A central Illinois native looks to her roots.
by Robert Kuhn McGregor

Credits: This month's cover was designed by Diana Nelson. The phtograph
was taken by Nathan Mandell.

3---Conversation with the publisher
by Ed wojcicki

4---Editor's Notebook
by Peggy Boyer Long

6---State of the State
by Burney Simpson
Chicato take aim at guns

by Rodd Whelpley

by Rodd Whelpley


41---A View from Metro East
by Patrick E. Gauen
A costly local pension plum

by Charles N. Wheeler III
George Ryan's first budget

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