Illinois Issues

VOL. II, NO. 6 / JUNE 1976

Table of Contents


3/Workman's compensation: Recent changes in law mean higher insurance costs for employers
/J. Huisinga
7/Gerald W. Shea
/Barb Valiukenas
9/An emerging minority: Handicapped citizens
/Dennis B. Fradin
12/Helping the handicapped: A roster of state services
/Pam Bruzan

16/Downstate Update: Incumbents dominate House races
/Special Staff Report
16/Fiscal views from the candidates
21/How and when to visit the Governor's Mansion
/Sue Dinges
22/It cost Illinois millions to learn the need for an independent postaudit agency
/Burnell Heinecke
24/Limited liquor licensing: A tendency of small towns
/Matthew Cappellini
26/Western Illinois Regional Council: supergovernment or its antidote
/A. B. Villanueva


34/Chicago: Pierre DeVise: By A.D. 2000, a metro
government will have absorbed Chicago
/Charles B. Cleveland
35/Washington: Why federal aid soars: Congressmen want to try to give benefits to every district
/Tom Littlewood


28/Will new governor reorganize?


17/November lineup for downstate House
29/Legislative Action: Attempt appropriations by omnibus bill
30/Bill Summaries
31/Executive Report
32/Judicial Rulings


15/Legislative Commissions
21/Selected State Reports

ART CREDITS / The cover illustration and art on page 10 was drawn by Jim Murray of Springfield, who is an art instructor at Lincoln Land Community College. His one-man show is scheduled Sept. 12-26 at the Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Murray has displayed work with the Illinois Arts Council Congressional Exhibit, Washington, D.C. The art on pages 5 and 13 is by Virden artist Ed Dyson; the profile on page 7 by Springfield artist Diane M. Dudley; the page 21 mansion sketch by William H. Crook, Jr., also a Springfield artist; and art on page 24 by Tim Conrad, Springfield, a graphic narrator for Marvel Comics. James Krohe Jr., Springfield graphic designer, did the maps on pages 18 and 26.

Articles for Illinois Issues are written by professional writers or by experts in various fields of government. Students have also written for the magazine. The editors welcome inquiries from writers. Unsolicited articles should be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelope. Consideration will be given to all manuscripts, but all articles published in Illinois Issues must present objectively all sides to an issue. Editorial offices are located at 226 Capital Campus, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Ill. 62708.

2 / June 1976 / Illinois Issues

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