Illinois Issues

VOL. II, NO. 11/ NOVEMBER 1976

Table of Contents

3/Can centralized record systems be both efficient and confidential? Computers and privacy
/Philip Koltun
6/Who will be the next governor? Howlett v. Thompson
/Special Staff Report
9/Dave O'Neal
/Taylor Pensoneau
12/Cumulative voting — The great debate over Illinois' unique system of electing legislators
/"No" by David Kenney
13/Cumulative voting — The great debate over Illinois' unique system of electing legislators
"Yes" by Rep. Arthur A. Telcser
16/The coal boom has a big bite; Gas plants would produce needed fuel but consume water and farmland
/Sue Kennedy
21/Oakley Dam, Act III: Enterprises of great pith and moment . . . their currents turn awry and lose the name of action
/Britta B. Harris

30/Chicago: What's the sentence for a crime? It depends on the judge
/Charles B. Cleveland
31/Washington: Federal funds don't flow to Illinois; Can trend be reversed before it's too late?
/Tom Littlewood

25/Why don't people vote?

26/Legislative Action: The intrigue of the special session
27/Bill Summaries
28/Elections: Political honesty
28/Executive Report
29/Judicial Rulings

15/Selected State Reports

ART CREDITS/ The election theme in this month's magazine was carried out by Springfield artist Joyce Ann Furman, who did the cover art — which is reproduced on pages 6, 7 and 8 — and the line drawing of candidate Dave O'Neal on page 9. Ms. Furman is a graduate of Western Illinois University, who until recently was a bartender at the Caucus Room where "It seems most of the real legislative business is conducted." The drawing on page 4 is by Aneita Atwood of Springfield, graphics designer for the Environmental Protection Agency. James Krohe Jr. of Springfield did the maps on pages 17, 18 and 19.

Articles for Illinois Issues are written by professional writers or by experts in various fields of government. Students have also written for the magazine. The editors welcome inquiries from writers. Unsolicited articles should be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelope. Consideration will be given to all manuscripts, but articles published in Illinois Issues must present objectively all sides to an issue. Editorial offices are located at 226 Capital Campus, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Ill. 62708.

2 / November 1976 / Illinois Issues

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